Welcome to E aadhar Help.co.in, We update information about Various Uidai Services like application forms & Process, Update Correction Status, Download Duplicate Card online. And other etc. Including  Benefits for government & Citizens.

Check New Aadhar card status & Update status

  1. For checking New adhar card status Visit Uidai.gov.in look for Enrollment Services.
  2. Click on adhar card status and Enter Your enrollment if you forgot EID Then use your mobile number to get EID or UID.
  3. If you already have UID number no need to check status directly go for download.
  4. If you already have EID then enter it on Uidai portal know the status Like Rejected, Under review and successfully.
  5. rejected reasons available on the SSUp resident Portal.

Update status @ SSUP

  1. If you updated at nearest center visit Then directly check aadhar status as New card With EID or aadhar number.
  2. Or else Adhar update done by post then track it at the same page.
  3. Only whose are updated data online with UNique reference Number URN, could track aadhar update status at SSUP Portal check more info at adhar update status.

Now Uidai also providing Adhar bank linking status at Uidai Portal itself. I just checked my aadhar number was linked to 5 Bank accounts. no time to close the bank accounts.

How to check enrollment status:

To check the enrollment status or correction status adhar or enrolment number required.

Mobile Number, name, DOB,

Check the status by SMS:

Another important and simple way of checking the status of the aadhar number through SMS.

(e.g. UID STATUS 12345678901234) to 51969

Candidates can get e aadhar card number through SMS

  1. Aadhar Update status done online -> click here.
  2. New Aadhaar & Update done at Center /offline -> click here.







Adhar Update 3 ways to do it

  1. Online Update at SSUP Portal https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/
  2. By Post download aadhar correction form and send to update the center address.
  3. at Nearest center search it on uidai portal locate your adhar center

Note: you can only update address online remaining details at CSC or aadhaar center.

Make E adhar card correction through online:

 Aahdar update or correction helps to update the incorrect date of birth, gender, name, and many details.

  • Visit the adhar update portal  Aadhaar correction.
  • Enter you Aadhar Number and captcha click on proceed.
  • Select the fields like change name or surname,
  • Fill the correct details in those fields,
  • Upload any of the proof of the correction,
  • At the end of the process, the applicant can get  URN number.
  • The applicant has to keep this number safely because this number will be helping to track the update status.
  • More detailed instructions on update Name, DOB, Address written on adhar update.

Get  Forgotten aadhar & EID Number

  1. First, visit https://resident.uidai.gov.in/find-uid-eid link or go to uidai gov in the portal.
  2. click on find UID/ EID  Aka aadhar Number & enrollment Number.
  3. Enter Name & Mobile Number along with any of the EID & UID Number.
  4. Name, father name, Pincode Mobile Number should be matched.
  5. Full Name, Mobile Number & email Id Required to get Aadhar or EID.

Aadhaar card verification

You can verify email & Mobile in Phase 1.

Now residents of India can verify aadhar Number like pan card verification. Due to Other private & public sector companies (Jio, idea, LPG Banks Income tax department etc.)

causing high load to the server,

Visit Uidai.gov.in>> Aadhaar serivces>> verify aadhaar (https://resident.uidai.gov.in/aadhaarverification)

  1. Enter Your UID Number to check it valid or invalid.

Verify email or Mobile:

Fort his you have to enter aadhar number along with the mobile number and email.

If you don’t know mobile Number just look at how to update mobile number in adhaar.

Getting adhar card download online:

In Metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata Hyderabad you can book Aadhhar appointment online. but you have to go enrollment centers for correction or New Registration.

  • The candidates first visit the Enrollment services section on uidai portal.
  • At the page, the candidates will be shown an Aadhar card download .which can be filled by using an enrollment number or UID number. If you have an enrollment number enter the number on that page.
  • The applicants have to enter the accurate date and time as it appears on the slip of acknowledgment.
  • Applicants need to enter the name and pin code of the area.
  • Finally, enter the mobile number registered with aadhaar.
  • If the application has UID number, just need to enter the number along with the name, mobile number, and pin code.

When the details are entered, the Uidai portal generates a one-time password or OTP. that will help to download a color version of E-Aadhar letter that is also valid as the adhar card.


Link to gas connection 

The following guidelines can help to complete the linking process.

  • Visit the specific website (LPG, HPCL, IOCL)  and then enter the requisite information
  • You want to choose the benefit type. If you are like to linking adhar card into gas connection, you want to choose LPG,
  • Want to choose the name of the distribution from the list and then enter LPG consumer number on that page.
  • Enter email address, aadhaar number, and mobile number before submitting the form.
  • Once the request has been registered and details on the form will be verified. After the completion of the verification process, you will receive confirmation.  Check out Aadhar card linking.

Link Aadhaar to LPG @ Uidai.gov.in

  1. BPCL (Bharat Gas)
  2.  HPCL (HP Gas)
  3. IOCL (Indane Gas)

But rasf.uidai.gov.in not opening.  so follow it On websites.

we may already Know No LPG Subsidy without Aadhar Number. 

HP Gas: Click here

Indane: Click here

Bharat: Click here

Link adhar card with voter id:

  • For linking to voter id, you need to follow easy methods. It takes less time and can be useful in future.
  • On top of the voter ID card, locate card number that is a 10 character in length. Open the national voter’s service web portal.
  • or http://electoralsearch.in/
  • On this page, the applicant wants to enter the voter id number, mobile number, and aadhar number.

When the applicant entered all the required details want to click on the submit button. After a few seconds, you will be receive confirming of the request.

Link bank account to E adhar card:

Here 3 ways to link the bank account. The government already said all those bank accounts which not seeded should be deactivated. so link to all bank account you have.

  1. The easiest way, at Nearest Home Bank’s ATM.
  2. By Submitting A form to Nearest or Home Branch.
  3. Most popular and convenient way is Online or Netbanking Portal.
  4. IVR call center calling.

how to check if aadhar is linked to the bank account?

Check your all bank accounts those connected to UIDAI https://resident.uidai.gov.in/bank-mapper,

Aadhaar bank linking status

through mobile?

*99*99# aadhar status: first of all mobile number should be seeded to aadhar. and same with the bank account. then  linking status by Mobile number works by dialing *99*99#

Link with PAN Last date

Linking with pan the last date is closed but it still available for newcomers.  also, check aadhar pan link list status @ IT Portal India.

Details Required to link with PAN

  1. AAdhaar Number
  2. PAN Number
  3. Name As On on the card
  4. Date Of Birth or Age.

It will be done within minutes. link your pan card with UIDAI to avoid deactivation by IT department.

Link Aadhar number with pan @ https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in/

Process and eligibility 

Every citizen of India. can apply for aadhaar card including infants age may be above 3 years.  all resident have to bring valid POI, & POA

Proof address & Proof of Identity cards to Know about KYC.

  • Photograph
  • Address proof
  • Fingerprint
  • IRIS
  • Mobile Number & email

These are most essential details and documents need at the time of applying for adhar card.

  1. Voter id,
  2. PAN
  3. Passport
  4. Bank statement
  5. electricity bill (name should match with aadhaar Holder)
  6. Attested gazetted letter(in case no id &  address proofs there)

How to apply:

if you want to apply for adhar card, then you may wish to know the application process. The process also takes some simple steps and methods. below we mentioned details of how to applying online.

Simple Process to apply for E aadhar card:

  • The process of applying for adhar card is easier for candidates when they utilize the appointment.
  • Candidates have to visit the website first  Uidiai.gov.in
  • In that page, candidates have to click on apply.
  • The application form will be displayed and the candidates have to download it.
  • After downloading the application form, the residents have to fill the name, phone number, email id and many more essential details. Please, ensure to fill the form carefully with valid and original details.
  • Once you fill the details you want to select the centre of the enrollment and date and time of the appointment online.
  • It is important for candidates to visit one of the adhar centres to register.

Aadhaar registration at Home  Note: Only for senior citizens Age 80 Above.

E Adhar card download on the Mobile app

  1. Visit eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in and Enter your Aadhar Number or enrollment id.
  2. Phone Number get OTP & download.
  3. Enter Area code to open the E Adhar card.
  4. Validate it by adding certificates.

How to download & use 1st time?

  1. Just visit google play store download the app. Maadhaar app by uidai.
  2. Internet connection is required to validate the details
  3. Set app Password 8 Didigts.
  4. Enter You aadhar Number 12 Digits
  5. Authorize with the registered Mobile number should on the same.
  6. OTP will automatically be validated manually entering is not allowed.
  7. Allow App to access SMS & media
  8. MAadhar app works only one device with a registered mobile
  9. Feedback.maadhaar@uidai.net.in

Main aim: To secure details & reduce paper verification among Public sector companies.


  1. Share QR Code Like Paytm
  2. Generate OTP on app like google authenticator app without SMS.
  3. Carry like the portable soft identity card
  4. LOCK & Unlock Biometrics on a temporary basis.
  5. Update Profile on the Mobile app itself like epf app


  •   Computer Operator quantification: Inter or Graduate
  • Supervisor               quantification: Inter or Graduate
  • Technical Support   B.E B.tech or Hardware Networking
  • Tech Administrator  above qualification With Experience

How to Apply for the operator :

  • We have to  Study The Uidai Provided Manuals and Write Exam online Through Sify.
  • For Online Exam, We have to Pay 365/- Rupees by sbi Challan,
  • And After book the Examination Centre Through Sify online.
  • After Completing the Exams, Result Will get Immediate in The End Of Examination

There will be Training Manuals, Online Exam Details, List Enrollment Agencies, This is useful when you want to open a permanent Aadhaar center, kit value above 1 lakh.