
  1. 10 monthly instalments
  2. starts from 1000 monthly
  3. NO Making charges upto 18% depends on the pornament *some ornaments maybe upto 20-30% then 18% substracted
  4. GST 3% has to pay.  gold price 100000+ 20000(making charges) GST 3% on 120000 *(3600)-discount 18%.   120000+3600=123600-18000=105600
  5. If GST on gold then it will be better but they have to charge GST on making charges.



Joyalukkas Easy Gold Scheme with Monthly Plan

*Pay zero making charges up to 18% on Gold, Silver jewellery, Gold coins and gold bars from Joyalukkas and get up to 50% off on making charges for Diamonds, Rose cut and Precious Jewellery.
*If the customer purchases Gold, Silver jewellery of making charge more than 18%, customer has to pay the additional making charge of the ornament (eg. if the making charge is 24%, to be paid is 24%-18%=6%).


Ans: Yes, you can enroll into the Joyalukkas Easy Gold Scheme and open a new account online using our Joyalukkas App or Joyalukkas website.

Join scheme & Make paymenet