how to check ftl land in telangana

MUSI FTL Zone news

FTL Size and Buffer Zone HMDA ACT 2008

Water body FTL FTL Buffer zone
Musi River actual musi size ,,,, 50 meters
Pond / cheruvu size 10 hectres or 24.7 acres 30 meters
lakes/tanks/kuntas of less than 10 hectares 9 meters
Canal/vagu/Nala. strom water drain size above 10meters 9 meters
Canal/vagu/Nala. strom water drain size below 10meters 2 meters

Dharani portal  some data missing  survery numbers

Visit the dharani portal (bhoomatha new name by revanth sarkar)

Agriculure >> IM8 Cadastrila Mpas >> Continue >>

Select your details  District>> disvision >> mandal >> village  (but data not avilable right now),,,, as on 27/9/2024.

CHeck FTL ZOne by survery number ccla record portal

its availbale only on dahrani portal, but some village data working.

daharai and ccla portal same but

this webiste also links dharani portal.. its all cumbersome..

2nd option

Only for lakes not for musi river

not for musi river HMDA-Lakes -

collastrial maps, check the survery number of your land.

if land in that survery number you will be in the FTL zone or Buffer zone.

FTL and buffer zone of lake nagloe

or simply you should 50-100 meters away from river…  or below prescribe limits*


Is your house safe: 30 meters from pond or lake.

9 meters from Nala, 50 meters from rivers then it’s safe.. if building permission then safe.. if BRS OR BPS safe…

Full tank level: pond or lake river Nala full level of water.


FTL Buffer zone:

Extra layer few meters from FTL.

Distance from river or Nala to permissible constructions.




Pond or lake SIZE : if 10 hectors then 30 meters distance


1 hector= 2.5acres

Below 10 hectors then 9 meters distance







10 meters width Nala: 9 meters buffer zone


Below 10meters width: then 2 meters buffer zone





50 meters buffer zone from rivers no building permission available that constructions.

HMDA directed no premission near 100 meters on 2024 in review

NO Constructions allowed in FTL and buffer zo



Hmda act 2019 section 172

RB – X vs M Mark

RB – X Means River Bed Executed,

M Mark Means FTL Buffer ZOne 50 Meters from River FTL

musi river ftl and buffer zone map

Download the file and open it with Google Earth.

for backup copy to google drive.

people filed RTI to Musi Riverfront Development Corporation,  No reply, but  they marked Blue and read lines along musi river, some one saying marking avilable at google earthquake app.