as per Hmda act 2019 section 172 buffer zone of musi river is 50 meters, before that it may be 30 meters.

government may increasing this limit depending on the area as per their land requirement maye 200-500 meters, danam kishore said 1 km river front area 27th press meet.

as per new section 2019 HMDA act musi river FTL buffer zone is 50 meter. govt also obeying this rule in some areas.  But what;s actual Musi FTL size..


FTL Size and Buffer Zone HMDA ACT 2008

Water body FTL FTL Buffer zone
Musi River approx of full when rain 50 meters for river
Pond / cheruvu size 10 hectres or 24.7 acres 30 meters for lakes
lakes/tanks/kuntas of less than 10 hectares 9 meters
Canal/vagu/Nala. strom water drain size above 10meters 9 meters
Canal/vagu/Nala. strom water drain size below 10meters 2 meters

example: 1971 assisned land act , people who hold govt land before the  date considered legal. but this not applying here… why? court judgment needed.

30 meters for lakes size of 10 hactres ponds*.


musi river ftl and buffer zone map pdf download

unfortunately pdf map currently not available with us.  but you can download KML format map for musi buffer zone and FTL markings.  you can also convert kml to pdf  but the map is not from official source telangana government.

FTL and buffer zone of a musi river example


musi river ftl and buffer zone map download on mobile android

  1. downloadd the google earth app from playstore
  2. download the map file from google drive here   kml file
  3. open google earth app import local file and select downlods folder and then the musi file.
  4. you will see the boundaries by zomming demo.. here…  youtbe video.

musi river ftl and buffer zone map desktop

2nd one better 1st original source

Download the file and open it with Google Earth.

Official Musi River Project FTL and Buffer Zone Marking

for backup copy to google drive.

people filed RTI to Musi Riverfront Development Corporation,  No reply, but  they marked Blue and read lines along musi river, some one saying marking avilable at google earthquake app.

musi river ftl and buffer zone google maps link

first download the file and  view through this link and zoom  on laptop desktop. also download the map.


Musi river FTL buffer zone on google map


CHaitany puri to nagole bridge

Nagole FTL river size


Nagole environ towers in FTL zone

Nagole environ towers in FTL zone

 G. O. 168, MA&UD (M) Dept., dated 07.04.2012 & G. O. Ms. No. 7, MA&UD (Ml) Dept, dated 05.01.2016.)

FL Zone lakers rivers

hmda act go pdf

RB – X vs M Mark

RB – X Means River Bed Execute,*(maybe)  

M Mark Means FTL Buffer ZOne 50 Meters from River FTL